Monday, March 15, 2010

Karma's a bitch

This is what I get for writing a post about a bad day that's not really that bad.  Immediately after I wrote that, things went from bad to worse.  My sari (not even the one I wanted to wear, but a glittery one they made me change into at work) came unpinned at the nurse training, I waited for 35 min for the bus and then took an auto instead, and then my house lost power that night. 

But last night was really the worst.  I have developed a sore throat so I searched my neighborhood for some ice cream.  Ice cream here isn't that great, but when you have a sore throat, it does the trick.  I bought a brick of mango and put it in the tiny freezer in my fridge.  I had just put the beans on in the pressure cooker when the power went out again.  This time it was the whole block.  I was annoyed but carried on cooking in the heat and chatting on the computer.  The beans finished, I closed down the computer, brushed my teeth, still no power. 

Then the power returned to the rest of the neighborhood, but not my house.  I decided that it was useless to try to sleep in the house (it's soooooooooo hot without the fan) so I moved my matress to the balcony, along with my mosquito net.  I was quite happy with my set up, it was cooler outside than it usually is inside my house, there was a nice breeze and I put in my earplugs and went to sleep.  I didn't open the fridge, figuring the power would come back on in an hour or so. 

I woke up a few hours later because  I was sooooooooooooo itchy!!  I saw tons of mosquitos on the outside of my net, but there must have been some inside as well, 'cause I had 4 new bites on my L knee, 3 on my upper arm and one vicious on one the palm of my hand.  Argh.  I killed all the mozzies I could find inside my net and attempted to sleep again.  This sleep-wake up-kill mosquito cycle repeated itself all night.  The breeze stopped and it became hot.  Then I dreamt/believed there was an earthquake.  There wasn't.  It was one of those nights where I just couldnt wait for morning.

When morning came, I was dissapointed to find that the power still wasn't on.  I reluctantly opened the fridge to find melted mango ice cream everywhere, and now on the counter and floor.  I quickly cleaned it up, showered, dressed (all inside my hot as hell house) and got outta there.  I heard from the landlord's daughter that something on the power line exploded and it should be fixed later today.  I just dont know if it's true.  I'm not so bothered by the lack of sleep, it's more the rest of it.  I'm annoyed about the ice cream and the mess and the fact that I couldn't cook this morning and that the food in my fridge is going to be wasted.  I'm annoyed that I slept with the door open last night and there are going to be so many mozzies living in my house tonight.  I'm annoyed that I didn't get a good rest because I'm going to Kolkata on Thurs and I want to get rid of my sore throat.  Plus I have a small case of the SADs, which is causing everything to seem worse. 

But, since I learned last time that I can't complain too much, I will now list some good things that have happened recently.  I had a lovely weekend of swimming in the ocean (twice!), napping and eating homemade banana pancakes, veg cheese omelet (w/ real cheese!), the best veg byriani, bean salad and fresh watermelon mint juice.  Yesterday I bought 3 saris (thanks, Hamsa!!!).  I got a seat on the bus this morning.  The coconut wallah remembered me.  A very cute puppy came to visit me at work yesterday (வாலை ஆட்டும் நாய் ).  I am in love with the book I'm reading (The Book Theif).  And I learned that I'm going to the zoo next weekend.  Also, I've gotten a lot of packages and post cards in the mail.  And a very nice letter.  Thank you all!

On Thursday I'm going to Kolkata for "work."  Meaning, Jacob is going for work and I convinced work that it would be a good opportunity for me to go as well.  My NGOs main office is there, and it's nice to get out of the office and travel and I can stay for free w/ Jacob.  I'm looking forward to exploring the city, they are supposed to have excellent fish and sweets.  Dont worry, I'm sure this small bad spell will end and in no time everything will be coming up Milhouse again! 


  1. Use Odomos cream/ointment. mosquitoes dont come near u.

  2. And I thought Karina's midnight party last night was bad...
